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Phototag Update: Toad Hops Home!

Our camera called "toad" has finally returned home after its original October 3, 2001 release. So much time passes and we are always amazed when one of the Phototag cameras resurfaces.

Toad began in Bloomington, Indiana then made his way to Chicago. After that it looks like he took in some sites and sun. Maybe Hawaii? You can take a look for yourself at:

Need a Little Background?
My friend Rick Dietz created Phototag, a take-a-picture-and pass-it-on sort of project, and I've been doing what I can to help. He and I have released specially-marked, disposable cameras all over the place for strangers to find. Each camera has an address label and priority mail postage attached so the last person for each camera can just chuck the whole thing in the mail. When we get the cameras back, we develop the photos, and Rick posts them.

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