Update on The Lost Soul Companion Collaborative Project
I am still interested in producing a small book of essays, fiction, poetry, photos, drawings, etc. by and for lost and not-so-lost souls. Originally, I thought I could collect your submissions on-line through the Lost Soul Companion community forum, but that didn't seem to be working out as well as I'd hoped it would. So here's the new deal: if any of you would like to send some of your original work for possible inclusion in this collaborative project, simply send them to me via my regular snail-mail address. Also, please include a short letter explaining that the enclosed submissions are your original work and that you give me permission to reproduce them in the Lost Soul Companion Collaborative Project. If you want me to return your works, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your submissions and letter of interest.
I'll be accepting your submissions until the end of March at which time I will convene a small group of fellow professional writers, artists, etc. to help me decide which pieces will be included. Once those decisions are made, I will print a small run of chapbooks. Each contributor will receive one complimentary copy, and extra copies will be made available for sale. All profits from this collaboration will go to the establishment of the Lost Soul Foundation, a non-profit venture granting money to Lost Souls for emergency living expenses, creative projects, community service, etc.
Sound good? I hope so! Send your submissions to: Lost Soul Companion Project; P.O. Box 3248; Bloomington, IN 47402-3248. Please mark the envelope "LSC Collaborative Project."
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