New Calls for Mail-Art
The following mail-art opportunities come via Guido Vermeulen of Brussels, Belgium. . .
What do you think is curious? A nude riding on a pink zebra? A bent politician acting as a holy messiah? Dental floss for crocodiles? The pope as a bottle of brandy? A Virgin Mary as the latest flavor in candy? A pink zebra riding a nude pope? Deadline is August 31, 2002. Free medium. Documentation to all. Funny sizes are appreciated. Julia Faust, Louis-Weber Strasse 13, D-36364 Bad Salzschlirf, GERMANY.
E-mail: J-Faust@t-online.de
A rainbow of kite-mail
Free size and medium. Deadline is June 30, 2002. Exhibition in July in a neighborhood park. Dino Sileoni, via Ugo Betti 2 , I-62029 Tolentino (MC), ITALY.
After the exhibition in Italy all contributions will be mailed to Kabul for an exhibition in a school in Afghanistan (with the help of the Italian embassy).
Free size and medium. Deadline: September 30, 2002. Exhibition at the 12th tattoo convention in Berlin. Documentation to all. Project in collaboration with "Fantasy Tattoo Berlin". Sigismund Urban, Reichenberger strasse 59, D-10999 Berlin, GERMANY.
Send art on a theme you have to guess! Documentation to all. Deadline is September 2002. Scientist Sam, PMB 271, 2525 E 29th 10-B, Spokane WA, 99223 USA.
Graph & Creativity
Cesar Reglero is not only a mail-artist but also a psychologist and graph-annalist. He's asking for contributions where the handwritten component in your own native tongue is an essential part of the composition. Deadline is October 31, 2002. Exhibition and documentation. Possible book publication. Free medium and size. Black & white preferred. Taller del Sol, c/o Cesar Reglero, Apartado 861, E-43080 Tarragona, SPAIN. http://www.boek861.com/.
E-mail: boek861@tinet.org
A tribute to Max Ernst
This is another great book project proposed by Susanna Lakner. Deadline is end of 2002. Send 22 + 2 signed and numbered pages, size A5, around the theme of Max Ernst.. Leave one cm on longest side for the binding. Bound collection to every contributor: Planet Susannia, c/o Susanna Lakner, Grafin von Linden Weg 24, D-70569, Stuttgart, GERMANY.
Books are windows through which you can fly away!
Free size and medium. No deadline. Curator is "le valeureux dada nu." Send your creations to: Aline Wiame, rue de Walcourt 47, B-5070 Vitrival, BELGIUM.
Geert De Decker invites everyone to create one or more chess pieces for different chessboards. The pieces must be unbreakable, solid and may not fall over. They must fit on chessboard squares measuring 3 X 3 cm (one inch is 2,54 cm). Add the names of the chess pieces to your contributions. Deadline is February 2003. Catalogue to all participants. Mail your contributions to and contact: Sztuka Fabryka, c/o Geert De Decker, Kerkstraat 290, B-9140 Tielrode, BELGIUM. www.sztuka-fabryka.be.
E-mail: art@sztuka-fabryka.be
Free size and medium. No deadline. Documentation to all. Send entries to: Ingrid Van Kogelenberg, Lodewijk De Weerdtstraat 16, B-2900 Schoten, BELGIUM.
What is the favorite side of your face?
Free medium. Maximum size is A4. No deadline. Answer to everyone. A mail research project by: Bibliotheca Gullbiana, Staai 41, 6127 AB Grevenbicht, THE NETHERLANDS.
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