Odds and Ends, Mostly
Here are a few things that have kept me extra busy lately...

I have been working overtime to produce a new body of work for my first art show in nearly two years.
My mother and Ialong with artists Catherine and Lydia Burriswill be exhibiting our mixed media art at the ARTColumbus Gallery at 211 Washington Street in Columbus, Indiana May 3 through May 23. An artists' reception was held on opening night. (Photo: me next to one of my newest creations ...)

I've also just finished the final edits on the sequel to The Lost Soul Companion. The Not-So-Lost Soul Companion: More Hope, Strength, and Strategies for Artists and Artists-at-Heart goes on sale in October so I imagine I'll be cruising around doing a few signings in obscure places around then. Let me know if you'd like me to visit your part of the world and I'll try.
A New Book!
I am working on a third bookThe Flounder Bookwhich is for people who have no idea what they want to do with themselves. (That certainly includes me!)
I am looking for people to talk to for this project so send me an e-mail via lostsoul@lostsoulcompanion.com if you believe you might have something to contribute!!
There are really three categories of interviewees I am looking for:
1. People who have always known what they were "meant" to do.
2. People who have never known what they were "meant" to do.
3. Everyone in between 1. and 2.
The Open Market...Coming Soon!
Last but not least, Rick and I (well, mostly Rick I guess...) have been working on something pretty big for The Lost Soul Companion website.
Here's a taste of things to come: "Gather around the platters of mangoes and Brie, sip the cheap wine! The Open Market is a well-lit, virtual gallery for original art/music buyers and sellers to 'meet' and do business." At the Open Market, visitors can support their fellow lost and not-so-lost soul painters, printmakers, musicians, pottersartists of all kindsby buying their original work. Or you might try to make some extra money (or just make the rent!) by offering your original work for sale here. The Open Market will be a free service, and featured "art for sale" categories will include:
book arts
clothing & textiles
musical instruments
original 2D art
limited edition prints
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