Calling Visual Artists of Every Stripe. . .
Since I featured writing contests last time it seemed only fair that I include opportunities for visual artists, too. I suspect that some of these charge entry fees, but they should be nominal. Also, I'm not sure about certain closing dates so you might want to double check. Great gobs of good luck!
Seeking to commission an artist to create a sculpture that incorporates water as a feature for the courtyard of new teaching academy. Concept of "dynamic energy" should be included. Should be kinetic without reliance on water for motion. For more information contact: Teresa E Robert, Art in State Buildings Program BR-464, Box 161345, Orlando, FL 32816 or 407-823-5941. Closing date (?) Mar 15, 2002
2002 SEASON The Artists' Enclave at I-Park in East Haddam, Connecticut is announcing the second season of its artists' residency program for the months of May-July and September-October, 2002. The program is available on a no charge basis for the following disciplines: music composition, landscape and garden design, creative writing, architecture and the visual arts. Application deadline is March 15, 2002. There is a $20.00 application fee. For details, check the project website: www.radekassociates.com or write to: The Artists' Enclave at I-Park, Box 124, East Haddam CT 06423, USA or ipark2002@ureach.com.
JULY 10-JULY 31, 2002. JUROR:MARIA-CHRISTINA VILLASENOR, ASSOCIATE CURATOR, GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM, NEW YORK. All media, except Sculpture and Video Art. CASH AWARDS. Deadline April 12, 2002. Prospectus: Send SASE to: Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts and Sciences, 120 Long Beach blvd, Loveladies NJ 08008. E-mail to: office@LBIFoundation.org.
Apr 19-May 26, 2002. Open to all. All media offering distinctive, imaginative interpretations of the human figure. $1200 in cash awards. Juried. For a prospectus send an SASE to: South Shore Art Center, 119 Ripley Rd, Cohasset MA 02025 or 781-383-2787 or 781-383-2964(FAX) or http://www.ssac.org.
CALL FOR ENTRIES-SCULPTURE at Noble Horizons fourth annual outdoor group exhibit, Salisbury, CT. Large scale, all media, prizes, low commissions. For a prospectus send an SASE to: CEA, 151 Music Mountain Road, Falls Village, CT 06031 or http://www.noblehorizons.org. Closing date (?) April 19, 2002
All media show. $9000 in awards. For a prospectus send an SASE to: SlowArt Productions, 870 6th Av, New York, NY 10001 or http://members.aol.com/slowart/showcase.htm or prospectus@slowart.com Closing date (?) Apr 30, 2002
Northern National Art Competition
Open to all 2-D art. Three $1000 Awards of Excellence, over $8500 in prizes. Juror/Judge Dr. Barbara Rose. Entry Deadline Date: May 15, 2001. Send SASE to Nicolet College Art Dept., P.O. Box 518, Rhinelander, WI 54501.
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