Short Fiction and Poetry: Calls for Entries
I don't know about you, but nothing motivates me like a good writing contest. Since there have been so many writers milling around the Lost Soul Companion Project community forums lately, I thought it might be useful to showcase some interesting writing opportunities.
Of course finding writing contests that do not charge reading fees has become increasingly difficult unfortunately! so you'll find that most of these do charge a nominal fee. Also, most of the following contests have February deadlines so you'd better get busy!
Tulane Review's Short Story Contest
Description: For every writer of short stories, regardless of genre
Prize: $100
Fee: $2
Word Length: 6,000 words maximum
Deadline: February 22, 2002
Guidelines: Send manuscript with cover letter and SASE to Jaime deBlanc; Tulane Literary Society; Department of English; Tulane University; New Orleans, LA 70118-5695.
The Smiling Politely Very Very Short Story Competition
Description: For every writer of short stories, regardless of genre
Prize: $500, plus publication.
Fee: $5 per short story
Word Length: each submission should be under 1500 words but there is no minimum word limit.
Deadline: February 15, 2002
Guidelines: You may not send previously published work. To obtain entry form, visit www.users.bigpond.com/swandmaker on the World Wide Web. Send entries to Smiling Politely; GPO Box 2559; Canberra ACT; Australia 2601.
Highlights 2002 Fiction Contest
Description: Stories about today's kids.
Prize: Three prizes of $1000 each or attendance at a Highlights Foundation Writers Workshop.
Fee: no fee!
Word Length: Stories may be any length up to 900 words. Stories for beginning readers should not exceed 500 words.
Deadline: February 28, 2002
Guidelines: All entries must be postmarked between January 1 and February 28, 2002. Indicate the word count in the upper right-hand corner of the first page of your manuscript. No crime, violence, or derogatory humor. Enclose a SASE with each entry to FICTION CONTEST; Highlights for Children; 803 Church Street; Honesdale, PA 18431.
The 2002 Raymond Carver Short Story Award at Carve Magazine
Prize: $1200 First Prize and a commemorative plaque; $250 Honorable Mention. All submissions considered for publication.
Fee: $12 per entry
Word Length: 12,000 words maximum.
Deadline: February 1, 2002
Guidelines: Previously unpublished fiction. Note simultaneous submissions. More guidelines posted on www.carvezine.com/contest.htm Electronic submissions only.
2002 NEW MICHIGAN PRESS/DIAGRAM chapbook competition
Description: SEND 16-36 pages of straight poetry, straight fiction, some hybrid, schematics, annotations, images, etc.
Prize: $100 honorarium, 25 elegantly-designed chapbooks
Fee: $12 (includes a copy of the winning chapbook)
Word Length: see above
Deadline: February 28, 2002
Guidelines: Visit http://webdelsol.com/DIAGRAM/contest.html for details.
$1000 Anamnesis Press Poetry Chapbook Award
Description: We're looking for poetry with intellectual and emotional depth that avoids cliches and has an ear for sound and music, although formal structure is not necessary. Genre poetry (science fiction/fantasy/horror) is fine, but we're looking for a high level of sophistication and imagination.
Prize: $1000, an award certificate suitable for framing, and 20 copies of the winning chapbook.
Fee: $15 per manuscript (includes a copy of the winning chapbook)
Word Length: We encourage poets to submit 20-30 pages of their best poems.
Deadline: March 15, 2002
Guidelines: Previously published material is OK, as long as the author owns the rights to the work and provides acknowledgments. Single-spaced, typed manuscripts must include two title pages, table of contents and only one poem per page. Include your name and address on only one of the title pages. Send manuscripts with entry fee and SASE to Anamnesis Press Poetry Chapbook Award; P. O. Box 95; Ridgecrest, CA 93556.
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