An Important Letter . . .
I have recently had a very dear friend kill himself and would like to provide information for people thinking about doing this about the consequences in the hope that it will save lives and pain for those who would be left behind. I would like this to be publicly published where it can help those people and to be able to support those thinking of suicide to know what happens to those left behind.
My friend was 21 and very full of life and I loved him very much. However on July 15, 2001, he ended his life. The pain this has caused me and his friends and family has changed my entire life.
I have a message for the youth of our country. My friend never believed anyone loved him and he also believed he was alone. I want to remind all that read this that no one is ever alone. Everyone has some one to care, even if it is simply their parents. Before you commit suicide please think of all those that may never say they love you but do the little things for you, like cook for you, clean for you, keep you company when you are down and so on, for all those little things are those ways in which people say "I love you" when the words are hard to say, as they can be sometimes.
They do love you and if you die by killing yourself they will live with the consequences of your being gone and they will miss you as I will miss my friend for the rest of my life. He thought himself unloved but the church full of people that cried for him when he died and still cry for him now would tell you otherwise. His family will ask you if you are thinking about ending your life to talk to some one because you may think no one cares but I can tell you some one will. And I can also tell you looking back on my 23 years of life that I am not an expert on this but that life is not all bad, that if you are lonely, don't hurt yourself and others because of it. Everything in life has a plan and I also thought once that my destiny was to be alone but some one came into my life to change that. Love comes to all of us eventually even after we give up hope. So my message is this: never give up hope, talk if you feel like killing yourself for there is some one out there who loves you and there are people to talk to if you can't talk to your family and friends. But please seriously think before you do take your own life about the people who love you though they may never say it but say it in the things they do for you and the care they take of you. "I love you" can be said verbally as well as nonverbally. My dearly loved friend, you are sorely, sorely missed in this world.
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