The Lost Soul Companion Project Archives
Explore the past issues of the Lost Soul Companion Newsletter, read Susan Brackney's Lost Soul Companion book tour adventures or peruse Lost Soul Companion reader mail until you find just what you were looking for.
Lost Soul Companion Newsletter back issues
October 2003 "New Creative Opportunities for Writers, Sculptors, Etc."September 2003 "Burning Man 2003: Beyond Belief" and "Phototag Update: Toad Hops Home!"
August 2003 "The Insatiable Gardener Set for Winter Release" and "Opportunity for Artists . . ."
July 2003 "Timothy Hittle: Can You Do What You Love? You'd Better" and "Phototag Update: Turtle Crosses the Big Pond!"
June 2003 "Michael Essany: Success and the Determined Heart" and "Phototag Update: Shark Swims Home!"
May 2003 "Opportunity Knocks: Will You Answer the Door?" and "Jacqui's Snacky Ideas for the Culinarily Impaired"
April 2003 "The Diagnosis Myth" by Eric Shapiro
March 2003 "Dallas Says: You Get What You Settle For" and New Calls for Mail-Art
February 2003 "Art is More Than a Pretty Picture"
January 2003 "Spanking the Winter Blahs" by Susan and Pen Pal Spotlight
December 2002 "Quick Guide to a Backdoor Education" by Susan and new opportunities for fiction writers
November 2002 "Simpler Celebrations: Less $tuff, More Joy for the Holidays" by Susan and a heads-up on National Novel Writing Month
October 2002 "Burning Man 2002: Burned Another One Down" by Susan and an update on The Lost Soul Companion Collaborative Project
September 2002 "The Best Advice Isn't Always Free" by Susan and Yes, More Mail-Art Stuff
August 2002 "No Picnic in Sight" by Eric Shapiro and New Mail-Art Opportunities . . .
July 2002 "My Pretty Breakup: When Getting Left Just Can't Be Right" by Laird Magee and One (Possibly) Useful Marketing Tidbit
June 2002 New Calls for Mail-Art. . .
May 2002 Odds and Ends, Mostly and "The Cow Came Home!"
April 2002 "Writers: New Calls for Entries. . ." and an Update about the Lost Soul Companion Mail-Art Exhibit!
March 2002 "Calling Visual Artists of Every Stripe. . ."
February 2002 "Short Fiction and Poetry: Calls for Entries"
January 2002 "Where to in 2002?"
December 2001 "Jessica's Video Rental Survival Guide"
November 2001 "The Lost Soul Mail-Art Project" and some odds and ends
October 2001 "Who Needs Art at a Time Like This?"
September 2001 "Mail What? Mail Your Art!" and "Small Promises"
August 2001 "Pardon Me While I Monotask" and an important letter from Belinda
July 2001 "Luminations in a Shadowy Woods" and another Phototag Update
June 2001 "Enlightenment & Duality: Not Black & White" ... and a call for mail-art entries!
May 2001 "How to be Somebody in Your Own Hometown" ... and a poem by Rose Meyers
April 2001 "Guided by Spirits: Gustav Potthoff" ... and "Copyright Questions?"
March 2001 "A Book Review...Sort of" ... and the Midwest Pages to Prisoners Project
February 2001 "Odds and Ends" ... More Things to do (Instead of Wiping Ourselves off the Planet)
January 2001 "Echi-What? The Powerful Purple Coneflower" ... and a Phototag update
December 2000 "On Elvis's Teeth and Being Prepared" ... and "For the Love of Word Gods"
November 2000 "What's So Bad about a Good Night's Sleep?" ... and "Make an Anti-Request!"
October 2000 "Phototag Project Launched" ... Orbiting the Giant Hairball ... and famous failures
September 2000 "Wise Words from an Interesting Soul" ... book review:An Unquiet Mind ... and a recipe for biscuits
Lost Soul Companion book tour adventures
January 2002There is much more to Cleveland, OH than I had ever expected.January 2002Plenty of roadkill, beautiful cacti, a foray into Mexico, and all about Bisbee, Arizona.
December 2001"Your only safety is in danger" and other lessons learned in Cincinnati, Athens, and Canal Winchester, Ohio
November 2001 My book signing in Charlotte, North Carolina
July 2001 A visit to New York to deliver a new manuscript...
November 2000Competing with snakes and prosimians in Lafayette, Indiana
October 2000A writing workshop and book signing in Chicago
August 2000The Lost Soul librarian offers this 2000 Burning Man Festival update.
June 2000A television appearance in Madison, Wisconsin and more . . .
January 2000A book signing in New Orleansand a visit to John Kennedy Toole's grave of course!
Lost Soul Companion reader mail
Extremely Sound Arguments from Kevin. . .Melissa on John Kennedy Toole
Saucey Words from Lance Latham
John Mentions other Lost Souls
A Little about Phil Ochs
Lost Souls and Food
A Lost Soul Amongst Lost Souls
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